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你的位置:INTER中文网 > Nobiko Coin中文网 > 法国人天天两眼一睁就是惹韩国人生气
- 发布日期:2025-01-04 15:36 点击次数:205 开幕式上把韩国念成朝鲜、照片里韩国国旗被虚化、奖牌榜上把韩国国旗弄错……巴黎奥运会才开始第三天,韩国网友可能已被气疯…… 🤔️小作业: 1. What underlying sentiment did South Korean netizens express about the repeated mistakes made by the Paris Olympics organisers? A) Admiration for the French culture B) Indifference to the errors C) A suspicion of a personal grudge D) Forgiveness for the mistakes 无注释原文: South Koreans slam Games organisers' 'personal grudge' in social media backlash over blunders From: SCMP South Koreans social media users have accused the Paris Olympics organisers of discrimination, over what they called a “personal grudge” against the country, after repeated blunders within days of the Games' opening. South Korea were introduced as North Korea at the opening ceremony, after which the name of the country's first gold medallist at the Games was misspelt, leading netizens to criticise organisers for their “disgraceful” mistakes. At the opening ceremony on Saturday, as the South Korean delegation rode down the Seine, the in-house announcer referred to the athletes as the “Democratic People's Republic of Korea”, which is North Korea's official name. The speaker repeated the same introduction for the North Korean team. Mark Adams, spokesman of the International Olympic Committee, said at a press briefing that the error was “clearly deeply regrettable”. “We can only apologise, in an evening of so many moving parts, that this mistake was made,” he said. Committee president Thomas Bach has spoken with South Korea's leader, Yoon Suk-yeol, over the incident and apologised sincerely for the mistake, which was caused by human error, said the committee in a statement on Sunday. Another incident during the opening ceremony also struck a nerve, with South Korean netizens unhappy with the choice of photo representing the country's delegation on the Olympics' official Instagram page. They claimed that organisers deliberately chose a photo that did not show the country's flag properly, while for other delegations, they were clearly displayed. The image chosen for the South Korean team centred on spectators on a bridge and showed the back of its athletes, with the flags out of focus. “Looks like it's a country that discriminates against race. Surely they have clear and well-focused photos,” commented one user in Korean. “So why are they posting this one? Or are there a lot of photographers in Paris who don't know how to focus properly?” Organisers drew the ire of netizens again on Sunday after they misspelt the name of South Korea's first gold medallist. The official Olympics Instagram account posted a photo congratulating fencer Oh Sang-uk for his gold medal win in the men's sabre individual, but wrote his name as Oh Sang-ku in both the English and French captions. Although the mistake has since been corrected, it still angered South Korean netizens who were growing tired of the continual errors. “Repeated mistakes like this makes one wonder if France has a personal grudge against South Korea at this point,” commented one user under the post. “This is disgraceful, disrespectful and disappointing.” “It's OH SANG-UK dears, not OH Sang-ku. But blimey you got the part right about him being SOUTH Korean,” another wrote, mockingly. - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为机器翻译并非一一对应,仅供参考 含注释全文: South KoreansslamGames organisers' 'personal grudge' in social mediabacklashover blunders From: SCMP South Koreans social media users have accused the Paris Olympics organisers ofdiscrimination, over what they called a “personalgrudge” against the country, after repeatedblunderswithin days of the Games' opening. 韩国社交媒体用户指责巴黎奥运会主办方存在歧视行为,认为他们对韩国有“私人恩怨”,因为奥运会开幕后几天内屡次出现差错。 slam slam /slæm/ 1)表示“(使)重重撞上,(使)砰地关上”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise”举个🌰:The wind made the door/window slam (shut). 风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。 2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。” 📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against. backlash backlash /ˈbæk.læʃ/ 表示“强烈抵制,集体反对”,英文解释为“a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to sth that has recently changed in society”如:the backlash against xx 对xx的强烈反对。 📺美剧《无耻之徒》(Shameless)第一季中的台词提到:There will be a backlash if people don't stop 字幕组翻译为:如果人们不停止...的话,迟早会出大事。 discrimination discrimination /dɪˌskrɪm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“歧视;区别对待”,英文解释为“treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc.”如:racial/sex/age discrimination 种族/性别/年龄歧视。 grudge grudge /ɡrʌdʒ/ 表示“怨恨,嫌隙,积怨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time”举个🌰:I don't bear any grudge against you. 我对你没有丝毫怨恨。 blunder blunder /ˈblʌn.dər/表示“(通常由于粗心或欠考虑而酿成的)大错;愚蠢错误,疏忽”,英文解释为“a serious mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking”举个🌰:I made a blunder by getting his name wrong. 我一疏忽,弄错了他的名字。 South Korea were introduced as North Korea at the opening ceremony, after which the name of the country's first goldmedallistat the Games wasmisspelt, leading netizens to criticise organisers for their “disgraceful” mistakes. 在开幕式上,韩国代表团被误称为朝鲜代表团,之后韩国在本届奥运会上首枚金牌得主的名字也被拼错,这导致网友批评巴黎奥运会主办方犯下了“可耻”的错误。 medallist medallist/medalist 表示“奖牌获得者”,英文解释为“a person who has won a medal in sport”举个🌰:She's a bronze medallist in judo. 她是柔道铜牌获得者。 misspell misspell /ˌmɪsˈspel/ 表示“拼错,写错”,英文解释为“to fail to spell a word correctly” disgraceful disgraceful /dɪsˈɡreɪs.fəl/ 表示“可耻的,丢脸的,不光彩的”,英文解释为“very bad”如:disgraceful behaviour/conduct 可耻的行为。 At the opening ceremony on Saturday, as the South Koreandelegationrode down the Seine, thein-houseannouncer referred to the athletes as the “Democratic People's Republic of Korea”, which is North Korea's official name. 周六的开幕式上,当韩国代表团沿塞纳河行进时,现场解说员称他们为“Democratic People's Republic of Korea(朝鲜民主主义人民共和国)”,而这正是朝鲜的官方名称。 delegation delegation /ˌdel.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“(工作、职务或权力等)分配;委派;授权”,英文解释为“the act of delegating a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone”举个🌰:Delegation of responsibility is a key part of a manager's job. 分派任务是管理者的一项重要工作内容。 2)表示“代表团”,英文解释为“a group of delegates”。 📍动词delegate表示“(把…)委派(给…),(把…)委托(给…);授权(给…)”,英文解释为“to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you”举个🌰:As a boss you have to delegate (responsibilities to your staff). 你作为老板必须要分派工作。 📍政府工作报告中经常出现的简政放权就是:streamline administration and delegate power. in-house in-house /ˌɪnˈhaʊs/ 表示“在组织内部的;在机构内部的”,英文解释为“Something that is done in-house is done within an organization or business by its employees rather than by other people.”如:an in-house training scheme 内部培训计划。 The speaker repeated the same introduction for the North Korean team. 随后,解说员在介绍朝鲜代表团时重复了这一称呼。 Mark Adams, spokesman of the International Olympic Committee, said at a press briefing that the error was “clearly deeply regrettable”. 国际奥委会发言人马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams)在新闻发布会上表示,这一错误 “显然令人深感遗憾”。 “We can only apologise, in an evening of so many moving parts, that this mistake was made,” he said. 他说:“在一个有这么多环节的夜晚犯下了这一错误,我们只能表示歉意。” Committee president Thomas Bach has spoken with South Korea's leader, Yoon Suk-yeol, over the incident and apologised sincerely for the mistake, which was caused by human error, said the committee in a statement on Sunday. 周日,国际奥委会在声明中表示,奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)已就此事与韩国总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk-yeol)进行了交谈,并对这一人为失误表示诚挚的歉意。 Another incident during the opening ceremony alsostruck a nerve, with South Korean netizens unhappy with the choice of photo representing the country's delegation on the Olympics' official Instagram page. 开幕式期间的另一事件也引起了韩国网友的不满,他们对奥运会官方Instagram账号上为韩国代表团所选的照片表示不满。 strike a nerve touch/strike/hit a (raw) nerve表示“触及(某人)痛处,使(某人)难过”,英文解释为“to upset someone”举个🌰:The newspaper article touched a raw nerve - people still resent the closure of the local school. 报纸上的文章触到了人们的痛处——人们仍然对关闭当地学校一事愤愤不平。 They claimed that organisersdeliberatelychose a photo that did not show the country's flag properly, while for other delegations, they were clearly displayed. 网友认为,主办方故意选择了一张没有清晰显示韩国国旗的照片,而其他代表团的照片则清晰展示了国旗。 deliberately deliberately /dɪˈlɪb.ər.ə 1)表示“故意地”,相当于“intentionally”举个🌰:I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me. 我敢肯定他是故意说这些来气我的。 2)表示“不慌不忙地,从容地”,英文解释为“slowly and carefully”举个🌰:Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one. 她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片。 The image chosen for the South Korean team centred onspectatorson a bridge and showed the back of its athletes, with the flagsout of focus. 该照片以桥上的观众为中心,展示了运动员的背影,国旗失焦。 spectator spectator /spekˈteɪ.tər/ 表示“(尤指体育赛事的)观众”,英文解释为“a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part”。 区分: 📍spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lər/ 1)表示“壮观的;精彩的;令人印象深刻的”,英文解释为“very impressive”,如:a mountainous area with spectacular scenery 景色壮丽的山区,a spectacular success 辉煌的成就。 2)表示“非常大的,巨大的;惊人的,突如其来的”,英文解释为“very sudden, unexpected, or extreme”举个🌰:The news caused a spectacular fall in the stock market. 这一消息引起了股市的暴跌。 out of focus be in/out of focus表示“(照片)清晰/模糊”,英文解释为“used to say that a photograph or video is clear/not clear” “Looks like it's a country thatdiscriminatesagainst race. Surely they have clear and well-focused photos,” commented one user in Korean. “看起来这是一个歧视种族的国家。他们肯定有清晰、对焦准确的照片,”一位用户用韩语评论道。 discriminates discriminate /dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ 表示“歧视;区别对待”,英文解释为“to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their race, gender, sexuality, etc.”举个🌰:She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age. 她认为自己受到了年龄歧视。 “So why are they posting this one? Or are there a lot of photographers in Paris who don't know how to focus properly?” “那他们为什么要发布这张照片?还是巴黎有很多摄影师不知道如何正确对焦?” Organisersdrew the ireof netizens again on Sunday after they misspelt the name of South Korea's first gold medallist. 周日,由于主办方拼错了韩国首枚金牌得主的名字,再次引起了网友的愤怒。 ire ire /aɪə/ 表示“愤怒”,不可数名词,英文解释为“Ire is anger.”举个🌰:Their ire was directed mainly at the company. 他们的愤怒主要针对该公司。 The official Olympics Instagram account posted a photo congratulatingfencerOh Sang-uk for his gold medal win in the men'ssabreindividual, but wrote his name as Oh Sang-ku in both the English and Frenchcaptions. 奥运会官方Instagram账号发布了一张照片,祝贺击剑运动员吴尚旭(Oh Sang-uk)获得男子个人佩剑冠军,但在英文和法文文案中都将他的名字拼写成了Oh Sang-ku。 fencer fencer /ˈfen.sər/ 表示“击剑运动员”,英文解释为“a person who fences as a sport” sabre sabre /ˈseɪ.bər/ 表示“(击剑运动中使用的)佩剑,花剑”,英文解释为“a light pointed sword with one sharp edge used in the sport of fencing” caption caption /ˈkæp.ʃən/ 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success." 当地的报纸刊登了一幅我站在梯子上的特写,下面写着:“他登上了成功之梯。” 📍“cap-”来自拉丁语“capere”,意味着抓取、捕获。在这里,“caption”捕获图片或场景的精髓,并用文字表达出来。近义词:subtitle(字幕),同根词:capture(捕获),常用短语:photo caption(照片说明) Although the mistake has since been corrected, it still angered South Korean netizens who were growing tired of the continual errors. 尽管这一错误已被更正,但韩国网友仍对此感到愤怒,他们对不断出现的错误已失去了耐心。 “Repeated mistakes like this makes one wonder if France has a personal grudge against South Korea at this point,” commented one user under the post. 一位网友在帖子下评论道:“一错再错,让人怀疑法国是否对韩国怀有私人恩怨。” “This is disgraceful, disrespectful and disappointing.” “这真是可耻、无礼且令人失望。” “It's OH SANG-UK dears, not OH Sang-ku. Butblimeyyou got the part right about him being SOUTH Korean,” another wrote,mockingly. “亲爱的,他叫OH SANG-UK,不是OH Sang-ku。不过,你至少没把他是韩国人搞错,”另一位用户讽刺地写道。 blimey blimey /ˈblaɪ.mi/ 表示“(表示惊讶)哎呀,天哪”,英文解释为“an expression of surprise”举个🌰:Blimey, what a lot of food! 哎呀,这么多吃的! mockingly mockingly /ˈmɒk.ɪŋ.li/ 表示“嘲笑地,嘲弄地”,英文解释为“in a way that involves laughing at someone unkindly”举个🌰:She laughed mockingly at the drawing. 看着这幅画,她嘲讽地笑了。 - 词汇盘点 - slam、 backlash、 discrimination、 grudge、 blunder、 medallist、 misspell、 disgraceful、 delegation、 in-house、 strike a nerve、 deliberately、 spectator、 out of focus、 discriminates、 ire、 fencer、 sabre、 caption、 blimey、 mockingly - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - During a sabre competition, a spectator mockingly misspelled a medallist's name, causing a backlash. The delegation called it a "deliberate, disgraceful blunder that discriminates." This struck a nerve, slamming the in-house captioning team. "Blimey, that's a grudge!" exclaimed a fencer, sparking ire. - 推荐阅读 - 写在九周年的话 为了这个合集,准备了42个月 「LearnAndRecord」2023年度盘点 有人听写吗?推荐练听力小程序 「合集」2024政府工作报告笔记 - END - LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2024年7月29日 第3460天 每天持续行动学外语